We are able to catch 99% of your spam
without any changes in your mail server setup!

Nordic Hosting AS is happy to offer everyone a new service – spamfilter gateway. It implements transparently into your mail system, as it actually runs on our server and that’s why does not require any investments and does not have any specific requirements in terms of mail server you might be using. Whether you have Microsoft Exchange, Zimbra, Qmail, Exim or just a Sendmail – you can use our service and greately discrease number of spam emails you receive. In fact we catch and block 99% of spam emails!

Try our spamfilter 30-day free trial

Information about domain

Spam filter will not work on shared domains. If you have an email address that ends in the domains below, we cannot offer spam protection for your email.

  • gmail.com
  • yandex.com
  • hotmail.com
  • hotmail.co.uk
  • yahoo.com
  • yahoo.co.uk

How it works?

Frequently asked questions

We scan all emails, that come through our service in several ways. Filtering against viruses is done using ClamAV and Kaspersky antiviruses, which are being kept up-to-date hourly. For spam filtering we use several techniques – Razor, Pyzor and several blacklists. There is also special software for image OCR scanning and spam-bot detection. Each domain or email user may also have their own fine-tuned settings as well as blacklist and whitelist.

No, our service will only pass your emails through our spam and antivirus filters, reject or hold bad emails and deliver good ones to your mail server. If you are looking for stable mail or web hosting, we suggest Nordic Hosting AS.

Be default quarantine reports are being sent every working day (from Monday to Friday). This can be changed either per email user or per domain basis. User setting will override global (per-domain) setting.

Quarantine reports contains list of emails being hold at quarantine. By default you will see list of emails, which have been added to quarantine since last report. This can be changed, so you see list of all emails in the quarantine. Each email entry would have link to 3 actions – deliver to mailbox, whitelist sender and delete email from quarantine.

21 days until it is deleted.

Yes, you can! Domain and service at stopspam.no (as well as ikkespam.no, ikkemerspam.no, nomorespam.no) are owned by Nordic Hosting AS, located in Stavanger, Norway. With strong background in many Internet and IT technologies, we offer our customers very wide range of services from web development and hosting to your network infrastructure maintenance.

Yes, there is!

Email addresses on shared domains, such as hotmail, yahoo and gmail will not be protected by our spam filter – That means that name@hotmail.com, name@yahoo.no and name@gmail.com are examples of email addresses we unfortunately can not protect against spam. Are you interested in obtaining a completely separate domain, we can help you with that at Nordic Hosting AS.

If you have your dedicated domain and will protect all email to this domain, this is the service for you!

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